Day 3 – Dubai Mall

Slept until about nine this morning. Then we had a somewhat hasty breakfast, because we had to be ready in front of the hotel at 10.30. A shuttle bus took us to the Dubai Mall. The second largest shopping mall in the world with a surface area of ​​more than 1 million square meters. After a first look and being amazed by the range of shops, mainly in the more expensive segment, we walked towards the Burj Khalifa. We can go therevia the inside. And thank goodness, because the temperature outside has already risen to 42°. The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world with a height of 828 meters. We can take the elevator to the 124th floor at a height of 452 meters. The view is breathtaking and a lot of pictures are taken. On foot we also have the option to go to the 125th floor, which we do of course. This puts us at 456 meters above sea level. We descend again and decide to have lunch at Zou Zou, a Lebanese Turkish restaurant. We had a delicious meal there. After lunch we walk back to the ice rink. Yes, there is a real ice rink in this shopping centre in the desert. Special to see. There is also an aquarium and an underwater zoo here. We decide to take a look. When you enter, you walk through a tunnel through which the fish and sharks swim around you. With a boat with a glass floor we sail a lap through the aquarium and then we walk through the zoo. We see crocodiles, penguins, otters, iguanas and turtles. After seeing all this we have another coffee with something tasty and decide to go back to the hotel. It is now 5:00 PM. The Uber is quickly ordered and brings us quickly to the hotel. We relax a bit with TV, a book or puzzle book. We get ready for the trip to the Maldives tomorrow. Dubai is as special as we had imagined. Super clean and tidy. The people are very friendly. Only in terms of temperature we are really in the wrong period here. But we were warned about that in advance.

Video of the Day

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